
4 Little Words

Sometimes all it takes is 4 little words.

You may ask yourself these 4 little words, or you may wait until someone else asks you them, regardless these 4 little words are infinitely important in the way you live your life.

There are so many times that people in your life, hell, even strangers ask you, but how often do you actually ask yourself?

What do YOU want?

Those 4 little words don’t seem very powerful, but the truth is they hold the key between what you think you need and what you know you want.

Its so easy to ask yourself what you want and have the answer be filled with things you think you need. It is so easy to just lie to yourself about your goals, hopes and dreams. It is so easy to overlook something simply because what you want seems out of reach, unattainable, or because someone tells you that you can’t have it.

The truth is you may ask yourself what you want and you may never believe that you can have it. This is a devastating reality.

Why is it that when we ask ourself, I mean really ask ourself what we want, we often don’t listen. Is it because we are scared of the answer? Is it because if we are honest with ourselves it means change? Is it because we just don’t believe that it is something we could actually want? Is it because its easier to just push what we want aside?

I mean think about it, if someone we know or don’t know ask’s us what we want how often do we reply with an answer we think they want to hear. People ask us what we want on a daily basis and for some reason it is so easy to answer them, but we can’t seem to think things are in reach.

What do you want to eat?

Do you want to be with them?

How many kids do you want?

Do you want to get married?

Do you want to go to school?

What do you want to do today?

What do you want to wear today?

The answer to those questions usually comes so easy when someone else is asking them, but when do you ever ask yourself what you want out of life. When are you truly honest with what you want. When are you not afraid to be honest about what you want. When are you not afraid to take what you want.

You see, I am all but to often scared to death about what I want. It is so easy, too easy really, to just push everything I am thinking or feeling away because then I won’t have the possibility of getting hurt. Why would I want to live that way though? Why would I want to pretend instead of taking a chance? Why is it so much easier to just place that fake smile on my face and go about my day like things that people do/don’t do or say don’t bother me?

My answer is simple. I would rather be numb then to actually feel what I am truly feeling. I would rather lie and tell myself that everything is okay when really it isn’t. I would rather let those words someone said or didn’t day silently hurt me every night. I would rather make excuses for people instead of just being honest. I would rather hide myself for fear that if I made an appearance no one would like what they saw anymore.

It is beyond exhausting to live so much inside your head that you actually feel at war with yourself.

Not anymore.

There is going to come a time that you are ready to ask yourself what you want, and although you might not be ready for the answers, you will be ready to be honest.

Being honest with yourself is scary. Being honest with other people is frightening. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is terrifying. Being okay with all three is priceless.

Having the courage and strength to ask yourself what you want and then to truly listen is vital to the life you want to live.

No not everything you want will come true, but the point is you need to always try. If you can say that you gave your all to try and get what you want, then at the end of the day thats all you can really ask of yourself.

Stop living your life for things that you think you need and start living your life for things that you want. There is a huge difference between the two and is important that if you haven’t learned that yet, that you are open to the lesson.

Some things in life are complicated, difficult and messy, but that’s what life is all about. Life is about learning to dance in the rain and grabbing it by the balls.  Life is about making promises and keeping them. Life is about being there for the people you love and telling them.

Life should be whatever you WANT it to be regardless of all the reasons and excuses you can come up with on why it can’t.

Don’t be afraid, but most importantly don’t ever be ashamed to say what you want. If you want something, take it.

Are you afraid to ask yourself, or are you afraid to take it?

So, what do you want?

Sometimes all it takes is 4 little words.


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